Welcome to the April 16, 2011 edition of 1 carnival to rofl.
Danwine presents Me myself and I posted at Danwine Felix.
Kenny Hustle presents F*ckin' Gypsies (adult language) posted at Fun Times, saying, "A story about a single crazy night in Spain, i got drunk, laid, chased around by a gypsy with a knife. Fun times."
Nerd Rage presents Your kid is retarded... posted at Geek-Fu, saying, "brain damage, brained my damage, children, dumb, education, end of the world, fail, kids, parenting fail, retards, stupid children, teachers"
Nerd Rage presents Hoosier Salon Ebonics Evaluation posted at Geek-Fu, saying, "angry black man, art, art gallery, can't understand, college, college humor, confused, ebonics, field trip, hoosier salon, indiana, indianapolis, itt, itt technical institute, itt-tech, jargon, jumble"
Aparna presents Sense of humor-tips to regain it posted at Beauty and Personal Grooming, saying, "Our sense of humor abandons us right when we need it the most- on a really bad day. We seem to associate growing up with “getting serious”. Sometimes we suppress our laughter simply because we are afraid of what others will think of us. Our funny bone gets broken.
Here are some suggestions for repairing your sense of humor and regaining healthy laughter:"
MoHo Heshmatpour presents kanye west: shot dead tonight! posted at MoHo Heshmatpour's blog.
Phillip Donavan presents The New Town Square: 15 Best Places for Political Satire on the Web posted at Political Science Degree, saying, "In the olden days before internet or even television and radio, people were forced to walk all the way to the town square to hear the latest pontifications on current events. Because walking, even to the remote, is so yesterday, the town square has grown immensely in not only audience reached but speakers as well."
mr clarkson presents Awfuldating.com posted at Let Me Tell You About A Porcupine's Balls.
Candice Walker presents Riddle Me This: Top 25 Joke Blogs posted at Baccalaureate Degree, saying, "Think you’re funny? The surge of social networking and blogs has made all of us feel a little less clever. There’s so much talent out there that we aren’t stuck resorting to Saturday Night Live for a little sketch comedy."
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
1 carnival to rofl
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