
Monday, December 6, 2010


Well, 28 doesn't feel too shabby to me. I really am for the most part,just in awe of the fact that I will be 30 before I know it. It really amazes me sometimes, because as your body gets older, inside you don't feel as though you have changed much, but your body is always ready and willing to give you a reality check.

I am just wishing for better health in the new year-my body really got a beat down from my Chronic Fatigue syndrome. I hope I have energy to play more with my kid, to keep house better and of course to write consistently in my paper journals.I love how the volumes of my diary are piling up-I can't even describe what it's like to sit and look through them. I don't do it often, usually around the time of my birthday, I'll pull out the big container of diaries and notebooks. Seeing my life go by at the turn of the page, (it may sound narcissistic), but that is truly my favorite type of reading.

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